1. I’m pretty much in the same reading funk. I look forward to seeing the suggestions!

  2. I’ll recommend the book to you by Christian comedian Michael Jr., “Funny How Life Works.” It made me both laugh and cry. He has a lot of funny stories and a lot of touching ones. Hope you get your reading groove back soon, Paula. Thanks for hosting us!

    1. You’re welcome Lisa. And I’ll look this book up, thanks bunches for the suggestion.

    2. Ps: I added it to my book list on Amazon.

  3. Thank you so much for the linkup and also the mention of SeniorSalonPitStop as a linkup spot.
    I visited you via SWEET TEA & FRIENDS LINK-UP
    If you are not already part of SSPS, this is a personal invite to hop over and come and share your posts with us at Senior Salon Pit Stop, every Monday to Saturday.
    See my entries: 15+16 and then navigate to the bottom of my page for the Senior Salon Pit Stop linkup, we hope to meet you there virtually.

  4. Currently I am reading Jewel of the Nile by Tessa Afshar. It is historical fiction set in the middle east–Cesearea, Cush, Rome. I have enjoyed many of Afshar’s stories of faith among early Christians.

  5. Paula, you might enjoy the Miss Julia books by Ann B. Ross, written in first person as Miss Julia details her adventures–all with great humor! I’ve read a number of them and enjoyed each one.

    1. Nancy thanks bunches. I’ve put a few Miss Julia books in my wish list.

  6. Hi Paula … I’m sorry for your reading funk. You might try some titles by Suzanne Woods Fisher or Kristi Ann Hunter. They are both authors I’ve enjoyed lately. Thanks again for hosting the linkup, friend.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions Lois. I’ll be looking these authors up.

  7. I read a lot of nonfiction books to review or for launch parties. Some are authors I find through our community groups. Some of these I love and are wonderful books Hidden Manna by Sarah Geringer, Growing Slow by Jennifer Lee Duke (who also has a new one Stuff I’d Only Tell God which is a journal prompt that looks deep but also fun and I just received in the mail), Overlooked by Whitney Atkins, Permission Slip by Megan Evans and The Peace of Path by Ann Swindell. My favorite fiction writer is Tessa Afshar and I just finished her historical fiction biblical times book The Hidden Prince. Clean and full of action, romance, and God’s lessons.

    1. Thanks Debbie. Yes, I’m familiar with Sarah’s book and I did see that Jennifer Lee Duke had a new book out. I’m definitely interested in getting that one. I’m going to look up the other books and authors you mentioned. Thanks bunches. {{Hugs}}

  8. Well, I could write pages of reading reccomendations. 🙂 I was going to mention Sandra Bricker as a humorous Christian writer, then I saw you had one of her books in your Amazon list.

    I loved The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II. The same author who wrote that wrote a book about the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC–don’t know if you’re familar with that. It was built by the Vanderbilts years ago and is a popular attraction to visit now. I loved learning about the family of the man who built it and all that went into the house and grounds.

    Roseanna M. White is a favorite author I’ve just discovered in the last couple of years. She wrote a series of novels about code-breaking during WWII: The Number of Love; On Wings of Devotion; and A Portrait of Loyalty. Another trilogy set before these includes A Name Unknown; A Song Unheard; and An Hour Unspent.

    I also just didcovered and enjoyed a couple of contemprray Christian novels by Nicole Deese: All That Really Matter and All That It Takes.

    You’re probably familar with Jan Karon’s Mitford books. I think the first is At Home in Mitford. They’re a lovely mixture of sweet and funny and deep.

    1. Thank you sooooo much for these recommendations. I’m going to look them up. Yes, I became familiar with the Mitford series when I read your post some time ago when I believe you and your friend visited the museum. That post of yours piqued my interest and I really enjoy those books.

  9. Paula, I read your testimony and several others in Break Through Moments. Praising God for all He has done in your life. May many read it and be encouraged. Blessings!

    1. Oh, wow! Thank you so much for reading and for your encouraging words.

  10. Paula, I listen to books on Audible and Chirp. Because I spend so much time in front of a computer, I want to move when I listen to books. But I tend to go for mysteries.

    1. I’ve never read mysteries but I actually had been thinking about it lately as well. Can you recommend any for me?

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